Data Center
24/7 Network Operations Center. ISCG can identify, resolve and even prevent problems before they impact your business.
Multiple Tier 1 Connections. ISCG connections ensure that data reaches the end user in the fastest, most efficient manner possible.
BGP4 Routing. Border Gate Protocol (BGP4) delivers best-case routing, ensuring that data can be routed even in the event of a router failure.
Low Bandwidth Utilization. The ISCG Network currently has plenty of excess capacity, even during peak hours, so we can accommodate even the largest spikes in traffic.
Network Quality. ISCG uses only equipment from the industry leaders in Network Systems to ensure uptime and eliminate any single point of failure, and our redundant high-speed connections provide fast, reliable connectivity.
Network Uptime Guarantee. ISCG guarantees that the network will be available 99.999% of the time in a given month, excluding scheduled maintenance. ISCG will refund the customer 5% of the monthly fee per additional 30 minutes downtime (up to 50% of customer’s monthly fee).
Server Hardware Guarantee. ISCG guarantees the functioning of all leased hardware components and will replace any failed component at no cost to the customer. In the event that it takes us more than 2 hours to replace faulty hardware, ISCG will refund the customer 5% of the monthly fee per additional hour of down time (up to 100% of customer’s monthly fee).
Detailed Web Traffic Reporting. Get real-time analysis of your web site traffic, plus customized reports and analysis to provide you with the traffic information that helps you manage your online presence.
Conditioned Power. Even in the unlikely event of a total power outage, the ISCG data center can deliver uninterrupted service, so your site experiences zero downtime.
Physical Security. The data center is a controlled area, physically isolated from everyone except ISCG Level 3 Technicians. Public access is strictly forbidden, so you can rest assured that your data remains secure.